XM Cyber’s Cyber Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) solutions transform how businesses identify, prioritize, and mitigate risks by empowering organizations with proactive defense strategies and actionable insights; XM Cyber ensures a resilient and secure IT ecosystem.
Gain the necessary context to identify and address the exposures with the highest remediation ROI, optimizing MTTR and resource utilization with a centralized view of all vulnerabilities and exposures across your extended attack surface, highlighting how they connect into potential attack paths targeting your critical assets.
Prevent High-Impact Attacks
Focus on continuously securing your critical assets using a combination of attack techniques.
Gain Remediation Efficiency
Stop wasting resources on fixes that don’t impact risk and focus on remediating what matters.
Report Meaningful Risk
Answer executive questions with confidence and a shared understanding of risk to the business.
XM Cyber’s Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) solution revolutionizes how businesses identify, prioritize, and mitigate cyber risks. By providing comprehensive visibility across hybrid IT environments, XM Cyber offers a sense of security and protection, helping organizations stay ahead of evolving threats with proactive defense strategies and actionable insights.